Welcome  to   Asian Golf Centre  in  Singapore
Golf Learning and Improvement Specialists. Business Reg. No. 47813000K (since 1993). Tel: 8222 1121
Golf lessons are conduct at Executive Golf Course & Driving Range.
Address: Track 7, Mandai Road, Upper Seletar Reservoir, Singapore 779384.

Golf lesson
Enjoy Golf in Singapore

Golf Learning and Improvement Centre

Our Mission: To help you to achieve your golf aspiration

Our experiential and accelerated golf lessons employ special
and effective technique from principles of:

*Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP™)
*Golf Psychology - Mental Skills
*Golf Sport Science

Adult's Golfer Window:
  1. Starting the play in Singapore   1. The Golf Swing Performance
  2. Why You Need a Qualify Coach
       to start your Golf?
  2. The Importance of Warm-up
  3. Why apply NLP™ in Golf?   3. Half and Three- quarter Swing
  4. Benefits of Golf Sport Science   4. Hitting and Swinging Styles
  5. Why need Golf Psychology?   5. Major Muscles for Golf Swing
  6. Our One-to-One Training
  6. Getting a USGA Official Golf
       Handicap Index to Play Golf
  7. Students Progress in Golf   7. Breaking 100 Score Tips
  8. Students Success in Golf   8. Breaking 90 Strokes Tips
  9. The Golf Proficiency
       Certificate (PC)
  9. Breaking 80 Strokes Tips
The golf technique needs the underpinning knowledge and attitude to perform effectively - from Philip Ang

Our NLP™ technique will benefit your Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic learning styles for higher retention
Player learns easier and faster by employing the Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic sub-modalities for: accelerated technique acquisition;
performance enhancement; and retention.
The learning outcome: A challenging and active learning lesson to self-actualise the golf technique performance

Our golf lessons incorporated sport psychology and science for performance enhancement
Player learns to facilitate and enhance the golf technique performance by applying: Sport bio-mechanic of body movement; Motor skills acquisition stages; Breathing technique; Goal setting; Visualization; Focal-attention; and Feedback's response.  
The learning outcome: A challenging and active learning lesson to self-actualise the golf technique performance

Our Golf Pitching and Chipping Swing Technique Learning, Training and Improvement Lessons
Player learns: the golf flight performance from an effective technique execution;
how to select the right iron club; coupled with the improvised golf swing technique for an optimum golf shot performance.
The learning outcome: A challenging active learning lesson to gain the golf pitching and chipping technique performance

Our Golf Sandbunker Swing Technique Learning, Training and Improvement Lessons
Player learns the technique's essential key points: dynamic postural stability; the point of impact on the sand behind golf ball;
descending swing path angle of impact of the sand; and able to play the golf ball on different ball lie situation.
The learning outcome: A challenging active learning lesson to gain the golf sandbunker technique performance

Our Golf Putting Swing Technique Learning, Training and Improvement Lessons
Player learns the technique's key point: the lower and upper body functions; golf ball position at address; the pendulum swing movement;
the clubface impact speed on the golf ball; and goal setting for your putting shot performance.
The learning outcome: A challenging active learning lesson to gain the golf putting technique performance

Our Golf Course Learning, Training and Improvement Lessons
Player learns: golf course playing management skills; how to play challenging golf shots on hill- slopes; the importance of
'Dynamic Golf Postural Stability' for your golf technique performance.
The learning outcome: A fun, challenging and active learning session to enhance a golfer playing skills

Our Future Champions, Children Golf Swing Technique Learning, Training and Improvement Lessons
Do you know children golf is gaining vast attention these days in Singapore? Many parents have enrolled their children
in a regular golf learning and training programme as part of their life skills development.
The learning outcome: A fun, challenging and active learning to enrich the Junior golfer holistic development skills

Our Future Champions, Schools immerse students in their C. C. A. golf programme
Today golf is a Co-Curriculum Activities (C.C.A.) in Singapore primary and secondary schools. Embracing golf sport at young age.
The Governments' 'VISION 2030 LIVE BETTER THROUGH SPORTS' and 'Towards a Sporting Singapore'
The learning outcome: A fun, challenging and active learning to enrich the Junior golfer holistic development skills

Our Corporate Golf Introduction and Exposure and Lessons
Like your career, “If you want to be successful in golf, you have to do it the way everybody
does it and do it a lot better – or you have to do it differently”
The learning outcome: Player attaining the knowledge and experiencing the technique for the golf game

The Rules on Golf Lessons
Player learns: what is golf safety on the golf course?; how to play the game orderly; what is a penalty stroke?;
the dos and don'ts on the golf course; and most importantly exhibiting your sportsmanship.
The learning outcome: Player should be able list the golf safety rules during a golf game

Asian Golf Centre happy students from different nationalities and demographics
We contextualise the teaching methodology and employ differential methods to benefit each player's needs

Winner makes it happen, loser worries what might happen
Bookmark for video

Our Principal Trainer

Master Philip Ang

Philip Ang Philip Ang is conferred by World Golf Teachers Federation (WGTF) - USA as top 100 teachers among their pool of 25,000 certified golf teachers worldwide. Philip Ang has conducted thousands of golf lessons, clinics and workshops. He has helped thousands of golf enthusiastic to achieve their aspiration. His profound golf teaching skills and vast experiences coupled with motivational personality makes him the right golf coach of choice for all his students.
Certified Master Golf Teaching Professional
(In Year 2003)

By United States of Golf Teachers Federation
Certified Professional Teacher and Trainer
by University of Cambridge - UK
(Awarded distinction on selected modules)
National Coaching Accreditation
Programme (NCAP) Level 1, 2 & 3 Theory

from Singapore Sports Council
Singapore WSQ Certified Trainer & Assessor
(Awarded Golden Pin)
by Singapore Workforce Development Agency
from Ministry of Manpower

National Standards for Youth Sports
& Standard First Aid Certification

Mandatory Requirement by Singapore Sports Council
for Sports Coaching

Certified International TESOL English Teacher
by London Teachers Training College (LTTC)


Golf Clubmaker Association (GCA) U.S.A.

Awarded Winner International Clubmaker of the Year
Certified Professional Clubmaker


Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP™) Practitioner
by The American Board of
Neuro-Lingusitic Programming (NLP™) - U.S.A.

Your golf lessons will be given a wealth of knowledge, skill and attitude

Be a proficient golfer, learn all the essential golf swing knowledge, technique and
attitude to be a competitive social golfer

Start with the strong foundation for your golf swing technique and game performance
Learn faster and easier, save time and money

Call us for a FREE discussion on your required training programme

Professional service is only a phone call away

Call Philip Ang at Tel: 82221121